Frequently Asked Questions

Found the perfect item on Irie Gifts, but you’re not ready to commit to creating an account. You can check out as a guest.

You can purchase items on Irie Gifts without an account.

To check out as a guest:

  • Add item(s) to your basket
  • Click Basket
  • Choose how you’ll pay
  • Click Proceed to checkout
  • (If you have an account, you’ll be prompted to sign in)
  • Enter your delivery information
  • Add your payment information
  • Add an optional note to the seller

You’ll receive an email receipt for each store you have purchased from.

If you have a question for a seller, you can contact them by replying to the email receipt.

When your order is dispatched, you’ll receive a dispatch confirmation email with the tracking information.

You can pay for items on Irie Gifts by using a card or via PayPal.

To pay with PayPal:

  • Click on the PayPal button
  • You will be re- directed to PayPal.
  • Sign in and follow the steps in PayPal to confirm your payment method and order details
  • After you confirm your payment in PayPal, you’re directed back to Irie Gifts
  • Click place your order to complete your purchase

If you have trouble with paying with PayPal, reach out to PayPal support or select a different payment method.

If you need make a change to an order or you are experiencing a problem, please email us at with the order number and the details of your enquiry at – myorder @ iriegift.com – and we will be happy to help.

If you moved and forgot to update your Irie Gifts’ account or you misspelt the address to send a gift to, don’t worry!

You can change the address for your order before it’s dispatched.

If you placed an order with an incorrect delivery address, first check your email account to see that your order has not been dispatched yet:

My Order Is Not Dispatched yet

If your item is Not Dispatched yet, email us to update your address on the order or to cancel your order. You can then re-order the items with the correct delivery address.

My Order Was Already Dispatched

If your item is Dispatched, email us and we will contact the delivery service to see if they can re-route the order, but this is not always the case.

In accordance with US and European law, as all artwork is are made to order it can only be returned if the product is defective or damaged.

Items need to be returned to the return postage on the packaging.

Please package returns with care to ensure the safe return of the item.

Products which are defective or damaged will be immediately replaced.

See our Returns, Exchanges and Refunds for further detals

If you purchased an item you can leave a review for each item.

We have a five-star review system (one being the lowest and five being the highest) for reviewing your purchases.

Choose a star rating that best represents the product and experience you had and add details in the provided text space.

The more detailed your review, the more helpful it will be to other shoppers.  

If you decide to create an account after you’ve completed your order, click the order number on your receipt. You’ll then be taken to Irie Gifts and prompted to register for an account.

After you create an account this way, your purchase will be automatically linked to your new account.

If you already have an Irie Gifts account associated with the email address that you purchased with, you can still link the order to your account.

Click the order number on your receipt. You’ll be prompted to sign in to Irie Gifts and your guest purchase will then be linked to your Irie Gifts account.

Note: The account you link your guest order to must have the same email address that you used for your guest order.

Before you permanently delete your account, check that:

  • You have saved any information you need for your records

To permanently close and delete your account, email us at info @ iriegift.com and we delete all information within 24 hours.

This deletion is permanent and your account can’t be reinstated.